Ph.D., research associate professor,
Bolyai János fellow (2001-2004)
Mail address:
Department of Organic Chemistry, Eötvös L. University,
Budapest 112, Pf. 32. 1518
E-mail: katalin.uray at ttk.elte.hu
Tel: +36-1-372-2500/1415
Fax: +36-1-372-2620
Research Interests:
Drug targeting with Herpes simplex virus 1 peptides.
Synthesis of complement activating peptides for the selective elimination of autoreactive B-cells.
Epitope structure of proteins (heat shock proteins, desmogleins, mucins, etc).
Effect of secondary structure on the peptide - antibody or peptide - receptor interaction.
My publications according to the Collection of the Hungarian Scientific Work (MTMT): link
1991, M.Sc./Diploma Eötvös L. University, Budapest
1997, Ph.D. Eötvös L. University, Budapest
Membership of Professional Societies:
Hungarian Immunological Society
Hungarian Chemical Society
European Association for Cancer Research
European Peptide Society
Cancer Research Laboratory, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK:
1992 (4 months), 1993 (5 weeks), 1994 (10 weeks), 1995 (1 year), 1997 (1 month), 2000 (3 weeks)
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain: 1998 (1 week)
Bolyai János fellow: 2001-2004
Institute of Protein Biochemistry, National Research Council (CNR), Naples, Italy: 2015
Teaching experience:
Environmental technology laboratory practice (Environmental science BSc students) (2010-).
In vitro functional studies of biologically active peptides, lecture and labpractice(chemistry MSc) (2010-).
Selected chapters from protein and peptide chemistry, special course for PhD students (Chemistry PhD School) (2003-).
Supervising Scientific Student Competition projects (TDK) (3) (2002-).
Supervising chemistry students for BSc, MSc diploma (26) (1997-).
Supervising PhD students (2) (2005-).
Synthesis of complement activating peptides for the selective elimination of autoreactive B-cells.
Epitope structure of proteins (heat shock proteins, desmogleins, mucins, etc).
Effect of secondary structure on the peptide - antibody or peptide - receptor interaction.
1997, Ph.D. Eötvös L. University, Budapest
Hungarian Chemical Society
European Association for Cancer Research
European Peptide Society
1992 (4 months), 1993 (5 weeks), 1994 (10 weeks), 1995 (1 year), 1997 (1 month), 2000 (3 weeks)
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain: 1998 (1 week)
Bolyai János fellow: 2001-2004
Institute of Protein Biochemistry, National Research Council (CNR), Naples, Italy: 2015
In vitro functional studies of biologically active peptides, lecture and labpractice(chemistry MSc) (2010-).
Selected chapters from protein and peptide chemistry, special course for PhD students (Chemistry PhD School) (2003-).
Supervising Scientific Student Competition projects (TDK) (3) (2002-).
Supervising chemistry students for BSc, MSc diploma (26) (1997-).
Supervising PhD students (2) (2005-).